There is something about working your mind really, really hard, and then relaxing and letting it go, that helps the creative process.
Some authors talk about writer’s block. Some say they get stuck. For me, it’s as if there’s a little writer person living in my head. She has her own room, and now and then she likes to shut the door and tell me to get out, stop bothering her, go away and let her figure things out on her own. So I do.
Maybe I go for a bike ride. Maybe I do the laundry. Lots of times I just take a nap. I give up for awhile, but deep down underneath, the little creative person in my head is still working.
After a bit I come back, and sit in front of the blank page, and knock lightly at the door. And more often than not, the small writer person opens up and has something all ready for me to write down.
It’s not a bad way to work. What do you do when you’re stuck?