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The Rat Reads a Very Scary Book

February 20th, 2025 by The Rat

Well, I had a lot of exercise, this week!  I was so tired after all that swimming, all I wanted to do was find a good book, and read until I fell asleep.

So I scampered right up the library steps and onto the desk, and (being very rodently polite) I said, “Yo, library lady!  How about a good bedtime story?  What would you recommend for a rat?”

She smiled and said she had the perfect book for me.  So I took it home, got all snuggly in my jammies, and opened it up.

But oh my gosh, I can’t believe it!  This is a SCARY book!  I mean, seriously… Where the Wild Rats Are?   Is this really the kind of thing grownups think we should be reading before bed?  What if I dream of monsters?

Have YOU ever read a really scary book?  If you did, how did you get to sleep afterwards?

I think all those people who keep saying reading is great, reading is fun, reading is important, blah blah blah, should add something else… READING CAN BE DANGEROUS!

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