Get ready, get set–let’s BLOG!!!
February 4th, 2025 by The Rat
Hello, all you first, second and third graders in Mrs. Walle’s class!
Why am I combing my fur, you ask? Well, of course a rodent wants to look his best when he meets some V.C.K.s (Very Cool Kids.) Notice the ratty bow tie! And the neatly pressed shirt! Not to mention the perky ears! I even used a little hair gel between my ears for that spiky look. What do you think? Am I handsome enough to blog with you?
Okay, I’m ready to start jumping around on the keyboard (I like to type with all four paws.) But I’m just a little tiny bit worried about something…
What if you don’t like rats? Worse yet, what if you don’t like ME? (heavy sigh.)
Oh well, if you don’t like me, please just don’t say anything about it. We rats have very sensitive feelings. But if you DO like me, hey, I’d like to know! After all, I DID get all dressed up for you. Plus, I LOVE to blog. Do you?
Your friend,
P.S. I hope none of you are cats.
- Posted in Raston's Blog
February 3rd, 2025 at 2:19 pm
Hi Ratty! Boy do we love you in our classroom. Thanks for combing your hair for us. You are in luck, none of us are cats. We hope you are ready for our questions!
February 3rd, 2025 at 2:43 pm
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wowza! I am so ratly excited to blog with everybody (especially because nobody meows. Whew!)
February 5th, 2025 at 7:44 am
Hi Ratson,
It’s Paetynn and Cohen. We have a question for you. Do you have friends?
February 5th, 2025 at 7:45 am
Hi Paetynn and Cohen, and ratsolutely, I have friends! Sissy is my best friend, but then there’s Emmy (I like her most of the time) and Joe (some of the time) and Buck (part of the time) and Chippy (hardly ever, but I suppose he’s still technically a friend.) Also, I am in a band (“The Screaming Rodents”) with three buddies: Hammy, Furball, and Nick. I do lead vocals. (Not to brag or anything, but I’m a ratfabulous singer!)
February 5th, 2025 at 7:46 am
We have a few questions.
What is your FAVORITE food?
Do you like Emmy or the teacher as your owner?
What is your favorite movie to watch?
February 5th, 2025 at 7:47 am
Hey, Isla and Meera, nice to hear from you! Okay, I have ONE favorite food and it is–ta da–PEANUT BUTTER CUPS, the most wholesome food known to rodents! Mmmmmmm, so ratlicious, I want one right now. But… seriously, OWNER? Nobody owns this rat, let me tell you. I am independent, I am nobody’s pet, I am my OWN RAT! (Oh, sorry, was I yelling?) Okay, glad we got that cleared up. And my favorite movie is Ratatouille, natch! (Only they should have asked ME to star in it, don’t you think?)
February 5th, 2025 at 7:48 am
Dear Ratty,
Do you like being a rat? It must be fun. And, we are not cats. Do you like Muffy? Did you miss your sister when she was gone?
February 5th, 2025 at 7:49 am
Hiya, Michaela and Ezekiel! Yep, it’s ratastic being a rat, but it’s especially ratariffic to be MEEEEEEE! I am very glad to hear you are not cats. Besides being VERY mean to rodents, they also have–you know– Cat Breath. And of COURSE I don’t like Muffy. I mean, she’s a c–c–ca–(sorry, it’s a little scary to keep saying that word!)
Changing the subject, yes, I absoratly missed my sister when she was gone. I was SO glad when I found her, weren’t you?
February 5th, 2025 at 7:50 am
Can you sing a song for us? We want you to sing…a song about yourself. Also tell us about one of your dreams!
February 5th, 2025 at 7:51 am
Whoa, Poppy and Kayson, I thought you’d never ask! Okay, here’s the song…
Twinkle, twinkle, little rat
How I wonder where you’re at?
Up above the cats and dogs
In the mists and in the fogs
Shining like the rat you are–
One big ratariffic STAR!
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much! (bows, blows kisses to the crowd)
And I DO have a dream. I dream that one day, all the cats in the world will get in a big fuzzy spaceship and GO TO ANOTHER PLANET! (I actually did dream that, once, but then I woke up and it wasn’t true. Drat it all.)
February 5th, 2025 at 7:52 am
What is your favorite activity? What is your favorite book? Also, we are ca…I mean humans. We like that you are nice and cool. We want to know if you like snow?
February 5th, 2025 at 7:53 am
Hello, Dazelle and Lorreign! I have to say, my favorite activity of all time is… wait for it… PAWBALL! (But you knew that already, didn’t you?) I also love the activity of eating peanut butter cups. Oh, and singing. Naturally, my favorite book is any book with ME in it, namely, Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat! (Only I do think it should have been called The Incredible Shrinking Rat and Emmy. Because, after all, the most important character should come first, don’t you think?)
Oh, wait a minute– you are CA…what? Yikes! You scared me for a minute, there! I’m ratly glad you are humans, because if you were know, the c-c-c-c-ca– (I can’t say it either–I just stutter from nerves!) Well, if you were the other thing, I wouldn’t be writing you back. Because a rodent can never be too careful.
But thank you very much; I believe I AM nice and cool! (I think you’re cool, too.) And I love snow, especially when I am skiing. But I am not a big fan of snow if I have to shovel it. Do you know how long it takes a rat to shovel a whole driveway?
That’s right–TOO LONG.
February 5th, 2025 at 8:58 am
Why did you want to be a rat character in the story?
February 5th, 2025 at 8:59 am
Hi, Ember and Zoe, thanks for writing to me! Okay, I didn’t really WANT to be a character in the story. Suddenly, I just WAS in the story. And if you want to know why, I guess all I can say is, what author wouldn’t want me in her story? I mean, I’m handsome, furry, and I have very perky ears. Plus, I’m a poet, and I sing, too. La la la la LAAAAA!
February 5th, 2025 at 9:00 am
Hi Ratty,
How old are you? And, Yes I do love your hair style!
February 5th, 2025 at 9:01 am
Oh, Max, (sniffle) I don’t even KNOW how old I am! I was taken from the nest by the Big Hand when I was so young, I didn’t even know my birthday!!! (sob!) And I never saw my Ratmommy again (waaaaah!!) Oh, it’s a cruel, cruel world (sniffle… wipes ratty paw across eyes) but I’m a brave rat… and it helps to know that at least you think my hair looks good! Yes, never underestimate the power of a little hair gel!
February 5th, 2025 at 9:02 am
When did you become friends with Emmy?
February 5th, 2025 at 9:03 am
Well, hi, Anthony and Gio! I became friends with Emmy when she let me out of the cage. Because, really, wouldn’t you like someone who let you out of YOUR cage? Especially if you’d been in it for many long rat years? I bet you would!
February 5th, 2025 at 9:04 am
What Happens if you bite someone a third time? We have not finished the book yet so don’t spoil it for us. What happens if you bite yourself? Will you bite Ms. Barmey? Will you ever be a class pet again?
February 5th, 2025 at 9:05 am
Hey there, Ansel, thanks for your questions! Okay, I WON’T answer your first one, but I will tell you this–by the end of the book, you’ll find out. I can’t tell you what happens if I bite myself, because I was never fool enough to do it–and I don’t intend to. Because biting hurts! (And I only do it in true emergencies.) As far as biting Miss Barmy, I guess that falls under the category of not spoiling the rest of the book for you (or the next two books, for that matter.) But I can tell you this, rat’s honor: I will never, NEVER, NEVER be anyone’s classroom pet again! (Unless, of course, I become a spy, and I have to go undercover. But the Rodent Intelligence Agency hasn’t approached me yet. Maybe next year!)