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The Rat is (possibly) dying…

February 7th, 2025 by The Rat

Oh my gosh I feel so AWFUL.  My paws were kind of tired after jumping around on the keyboard, writing to all you kids and Mrs. Walle, and so I had a few peanut butter cups to build up my strength.  Well, maybe I had more than a few.  Maybe I had a LOT.  But then last night my paws started to shake and my little ratty heart went about 600 beats a minute and my ears turned all red and scabby.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, I started to itch all over.  I looked in the mirror and I was covered with SPOTS!  Oh, my aching tail.  I was so worried– what if it was the Ratbonic Plague, or the dreaded SCALY TAIL FEVER?!?

Oh, I feel sick.  And it’s hard to breathe… (gasp! gasp! gasp!)  Am I contagious?  Will everyone want to stay away from me?  What if the spots never go away, and I look like a polka-dotted furball for the rest of my ratty life?

Maybe I need some MORE peanut butter cups!  Yeah, that would cheer me up!

Have YOU ever been sick?  Do you have any good ideas for what might make me feel better?

P.S.  I hope I’m not allergic to peanuts.  Or chocolate.