Another Gorgeous Day ... Lost to My Slovenly Work Habits (cont'd)

After great effort, I managed to decipher the penciled scrawls. But alas, they weren’t nearly as clear and shining as I had remembered. In fact, they were more of the same drivel I’d been writing for days.

On the other hand, there were two whole pages of drivel, which means I had something to work with. And eventually I got a couple of solid paragraphs out of it, and was able to move on to the next scene. 

Three days to write two paragraphs, and in the meantime I’m napping through one of the most beautiful, gorgeous weeks of the year. Will it be worth it? Hard to tell. But if you asked me today, I’m thinking no. I mean, how many more perfect September days are in my future? 

Not as many as I’d like, that’s for sure.

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